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قدیمی 01-07-2014
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تاریخ عضویت: Aug 2007
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 1,444
سپاسها: : 907

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پیش فرض What is KPPS? چیست و کاربرد آن در حوزه ارتباطات کجاست ؟

توضیح در باره What is KPPS?
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What is KPPS?

KPPS stands for “kilo pulses per second” and it refers to a measure for electrical signals that is typically characterized by its width measurement of 1 second. This particular signal also has the tendency to rise quickly and repeats itself after just one second. “Kilo” represents 1000 pulses that are measured in 1 second. This measurement is commonly used for the unit of symbol rate called baud. Baud measured in kpps or kilo pulses for second is also referred to as modulation rate, especially in the telecommunications industry.

In the case of telecommunications companies, baud or the modulation rate is frequently measured in terms of the number of signalling events. These signalling events represent signal changes that occur during transmission through a medium that is modulated digitally. These events are then measured in terms of kpps or kilo pulses per second. This unit for baud is said to be named after the person who discovered and invented the telegraphy code. The name of the inventor is Emile Baudot and the telegraphy code is also referred to as the Baudot code.

Aside from the telecommunications industry, kpps as a form of measurement is also used in the making of timepieces. It is said that using kpps provides a more precise and accurate measure of time. This is especially true for computer-based timekeeping. In today’s wired and technology-driven world, many people rely on computers and electronic gadgets to do work, study, and play. Most of people’s daily activities are now connected to their computers and mobile devices. With the growing popularity and usage of these devices, using precise timekeeping measurements are also necessary to keep up with what people need. Through the use of kpps as the main basis for measurement, time synchronization through electronic signals with computer and electronic devices is made possible and even more efficient.Similar Posts:
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