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قدیمی 12-08-2011
مهرگان آواتار ها
مهرگان مهرگان آنلاین نیست.
مدیر تالار انگلیسی
تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2008
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 1,577
سپاسها: : 3,750

4,670 سپاس در 1,282 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
مهرگان به Yahoo ارسال پیام
Smile new idioms --- اصطلاحات جدید

1. To point out
Means: to indicate = نمایش دادن
What important buildings did the guide point out to you in your trip around the city?
The teacher pointed out the mistakes in my composition.
A friend pointed the president out to me.
2. To be over
Means: to be finished, ended = تمام شدن
After the dance was over, we all went to a restaurant.
The chairman said that the meeting would be over in an hour
3. To figure out
Means: To calculate, to study carefully in order to understand = نتیجه گیری کردن، مطالعه دقیق
This letter is so hardly written that I can't figure out what the writer is trying to say.
How long did it take you to figure out the cost of that machine?
Ben is most attractive and intelligence, and yet Moira won't marry him! I can't figure her out!
4. To put off
Means: To postpone = به تعویق انداختن
The meeting was put off until next week.
There is an old saying in English which goes, "Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today".
If Tom can't come to the conference, let's put it off until tomorrow.
5. To be up
Means: To be ended _ said only of time = تمام شدن زمان
"The time's up!" The teacher said at the end of the hour.
We will have to stop the practicing of piano, the time's up.
6. To be about to
Means: To be on the point of, ready = آماده برای انجام کاری
I was just about to leave, when you telephoned.
We were about to start dinner when Tina arrived.
7. As yet
Means: up to the present time, as of now = تا حالا
As yet, we have not had an answer from him.
She said that she has not telephoned him as yet.
8. To have to do with
Means: To have some connection with = رابطه داشتن با
Dose the new vice-president have anything to do with the work of the export department?
Ralph insists that he had nothing to do with writing that letter.
What does that new director have to do with me?
9. To go out
Means: To leave – also means to cause burning = ترک کردن، سوزاندن
When I telephoned they told me that he had gone out.
Have you a match? This cigarette has gone out.
The match went out before he had the chance to light the fire.
10. To wear out
Means: To become shabby or useless from wear = آنقدر کهنه که دیگر نپوشی!
I must buy a new suit, this one is worn out.
Rough roads wear my tires out.
پاسخ با نقل قول
کاربران زیر از مهرگان به خاطر پست مفیدش تشکر کرده اند :

برچسب ها
idioms in english, مرجع اصطلاحات زبان انگلیسی, اصطلاحات کاربردی و عامیانه انگلیسی, اصطلاحات کاربردی انگلیسی, اصطلاحات در زبان انگلیسی, اصطلاحات روزمره زبان انگلیسی, اصطلاحات عامیانه انگلیسی

کاربران در حال دیدن موضوع: 1 نفر (0 عضو و 1 مهمان)

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شما نمیتوانید پست های خود را ویرایش کنید

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