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لینوکس - linux در این تالار مسائل مربوط به سیستم عامل قدرتمند لینوکس و هسته های مختلف آن , اخبار دانلود نرم افزارها و.... پرداخته میشود

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 02-04-2010
نرم افزارهای لینوکس آواتار ها
نرم افزارهای لینوکس نرم افزارهای لینوکس آنلاین نیست.
Linux APP دانلود نرم افزارهای لینوکس
تاریخ عضویت: Feb 2009
نوشته ها: 49
سپاسها: : 0

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پیش فرض Ultimate Edition 2.5 Ubuntu x86 اوبونتو

HotFile.com Ultimate Edition 2.5 Ubuntu x86
نرم افزارهای لینوکس

Ultimate Edition 2.5 Ubuntu x86 | 3.1 GB

What's New in This Release:
Ultimate Edition 2.5 was built off Ultimate Edition 2.4 (Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 based) all upgrades pre-installed as of current. It has KDE, XFCE, and Gnome user selectable at login, 3 new themes and tons of apps. vipwarez.net This release is huge obviously bigger then UE 2.4 I am not going to spend my time writing a webpage, but just a post. Even though it is a very worthy release and deserves a webpage. I have alot on my plate in programming and other activities & I do mean alot. It has been out about a week, forum users have been grabbing it left and right.

Developer comments
Due to the popularity of Christmas Edition (~15,000 downloads in 2 weeks). I have decided to make another distro I'm calling "Ultimate Edition" it has everything listed in the Christmas Edition plus vipwarez.net much more. I have however removed Java, Flash and Acrobat reader due to licensing agreements. Please freat not included in the release is my custom repo which contains all the software and much more. Firefox's homepage will give a detailed description on obtaining all additional software from the repo.

Here are some key features of "Ultimate Edition":

? New theme / splash screen / wallpaper
? VCD Gear debian style
? Subversion & build tools
? Wireless Internet integration
? Bluetooth integration
? PPP integration
? Networking tools
? 35 Additional fonts
? Tons more themes
? Repository driven Beryl
? New sounds theme
? Integrated Custom repository support
? All current Updates 158 at time of posting
? IPod support
? Beagle
? Gramps - Genealogy software (thanks poweruser2600)
? Legends - Video Game
? Kapote - Instant Messenger
? Integrated codecs (the good the bad & the ugly)
? Mplayer, VLC, Songbird & Amarok players with mp3 support
? Mencoder, K9Copy, DeVeDE, DVD Shrink - dvd copying software.
? Integrated Nvidia drivers (will work with other cards)
? Automatix 2 & Automatix Bleeder (in case you want additional software)
? Gaim beta 5 & plugins
? GFTP - FTP Client
? KVIrc - IRC Client
? Additional Themes, icons, cursors & logins
? XSnow
? Samba
? EasyTag - MP3 Tag Editor
? GDesklets
? Inkscape - 2D vector drawing
? Screem - HTML Editor
? Gambas - Programing environment
? QEMU & Kqemu Accelerator - Emulation
? Screem - HTML Editor
? Avidemux - Avi (divx /xvid) editor
? GDesklets - Eyecandy & info
? NTFS read / write support
? Lamp - web server (Apache2, mysql, PHP5)
? phpmyadmin
? Azureus - P2P software
? MS core Font's and extra fonts
? Wine - Windows emulation (always newest version - through repo)
? Alien - Allows installation of foriegn packages (RPM, suse etc)
? Gobby Team programing software
? Ksnapshot - Screen capture software
? Google Picasa - Graphic editing software
? Frostwire Pro - P2P software
? Kolourpaint - Graphic editing software
? Qcad - Autocad wannabe
? Archive Suite - virtually any archive can be handled.
? Ajunta IDE - Programing environment
? Bluefish - HTML Editor
? Glade - Interface designer
? Gtranslator
? Bit Tornado - P2P Software
? Amule - P2P software
? Kino - Flick editor
? Audacity - Sound editor
? Debian Menu (pdmenu)
? Dvdrip - Dvd ripping software
? Democracy Player
? Listen Media Manager
? Steamripper
? Ilinux (banshee)
? Gnucash - Financial software
? Aria - Download manager
? Build Essentials and make utility's
? Quanta Plus and extras - HTML Editor
? Graveman - burning software
? New Grub splash screen and animated "very pretty" boot up screen
? Bum - Boot-up manager
? Sum - Startup manager (newer improved version gtk and terminal based)
? Istanbul - Live screen capture
? Ghex - Hex editor
? Gourmet - Recipe manager
? Isomaster - CD / DVD ISO editor
? GPHPEdit - PHP Editor
? Kino - Clip editor
? Aria - Download manager
? Democracy - Movie streamer
? ClamAV - Anti-virus software
? Listen - Media manager
? DVD|RIP - Dvd ripping software
? Lifrea - RSS feed reader
? Brasero - Disc burning tool
? X-Chat - IRC Client
? QDVDAuthor - DVD authoring software

HomePage : http://ultimateedition.info/ultimate...mate-edition-2

Release Name: Ultimate Edition 2.5
Environments: Gnome, KDE, XFCE


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