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قدیمی 02-11-2012
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کاربر اتوماتیک بخش معماری
تاریخ عضویت: Feb 2012
نوشته ها: 20
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پیش فرض Enterprise Architecture Framework

Enterprise Architecture Framework

Enterprise Architecture Framework

Enterprise Architecture Framework

Enterprise Architecture Framework

Enterprise Architecture Framework

L’ federal architecture of enterprise (FEA) is in the simpler terms l’ enterprise architecture that describes a federal government. The architectures of enterprise (EAs) are essentially arrange of practical of administration that are strained to align the resources in fashion to be able to improve the performance of transactions and the center that the strategic functions can be executed more best.

In the event of the government a ea it helps un’ agency or an unit to carry out their missions of the center being described their state puts into effect them and their probable or intentional future state – and introduces a program for transitioning from the precedence to the last ones. Practically however FEA refers generally all’ architecture of enterprise of a specific federal government; the federal government of the United States that he has developed FEA in order to supply a common methodology for l’ aquisizione l’ use and l’ elimination of the assets and dell’ technology infrastructure dell’ information (IT).

The final scope behind the design dell’ FEA initiative is to render the compartecipazione of information through the federal agencies easy like possible establishing a municipality interoperabile champion for storage of data and l’
Enterprise Architecture Framework

Enterprise Architecture Framework

Enterprise Architecture Framework

access therefore reducing the costs and improving the service to the citizens of the United States. Partially it was generated had Law 1996 of Clinger-Cohen – last from the conference in order to reform and to improve the federal agencies of sense the resources are taken care of IT. In effects Clinger-Cohen assures that the government IT aquisizione and administration would have to be equally efficient and favorable how much the operations of successful private transaction.</p> However it has demanded approximately three years till that the federal council of the offices main information – the position in charge of IT administration in breast to a federal agency – an official structure in a position to exceeding the multiple contours of mediation when establishes a FEA. This was the federal structure of enterprise architecture that it has divided all l’ given architecture of enterprise in the separated commerce the applications the data and the architectures of technology and has generated the foundations of any job of future FEA.

In effects the FEA is a construction developed with l’ use of an assortment of the models of reference different to assess that a used taxonomy and a ontology common or during the federal government when it describes to resources and their functions to it. These different models comprise the model of dealt reference (PRM) the model of reference of transactions (BRM) the model of reference of the member of service (SRM) the model of reference of data (DRM) and the model of technical reference (TRM). Everyone of these is used in order to comprise a objective of base or a concept different and in order to supply a structure for the recognizable improvement it generating a taxonomy common and champions in order to measure l’ ea existing and proposed in connection with thus like at last close the generation the roles and of the free responsibilities of the staff to realize FEA in breast to un’ agency.
Enterprise Architecture Framework

Enterprise Architecture Framework

Enterprise Architecture Framework

Enterprise Architecture Framework

Relate Tag : Enterprise Architecture Framework,Business Architecture Framework,Oracle Enterprise Architecture Framework,Soa Framework,Togaf Framework

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