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قدیمی 05-09-2013
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تاریخ عضویت: May 2013
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پیش فرض Differences Between Cuddle and Snuggle

مقایسه تفاوت های Differences Between Cuddle and Snuggle

Cuddle vs Snuggle

“Cuddle” and “snuggle” are two actions holding the same meaning. If you cuddle, you snuggle or vice versa. Studies have shown that these two affectionate actions can help the body to produce more love hormones or, in scientific terms, the oxytocin. The oxytocin is the love hormone produced by our pituitary gland. If we have high levels of oxytoxin, we also have high levels of kinship and bonding.

Though “cuddle” and “snuggle” are two terms that we can use interchangeably, for some there are still varying degrees when it comes to their usage. If we will consult a dictionary, the word “cuddle” is listed as the meaning of the word “snuggle” and vice versa. Looking at their semantics, both words describe an action which involves the activity of showing affection through pressing, drawing close, and lying close. If you cuddle or snuggle, you show your tenderness and warmth to the person whom you’re cuddling or snuggling with.

Most often, the cuddling and snuggling occur when two persons are seated lazily on a chair or when two persons are done lovemaking in bed. Cuddling and snuggling are just like sweetly annoying your partner with hugs and kisses. Nevertheless, to cuddle and snuggle can be done in other several locations and/or with anyone – not even with your intimate partner. Some people use the term “cuddle” when they are cuddling their pets; whereas other people exclusively use the term “snuggle” when they are snuggling their loved ones – humans. However, the term “cuddle” is more appropriate to use when the romantic partners are done with their ***ual intimacy.

In modern usage, the term “cuddle” suggests the action of more handling. In this regard, you make use more of your hands when you cuddle. So what do your hands do? With your hands, you hold someone dearly when you cuddle him or her. And because of that, the term “fondle” is included in the definition of “cuddle.” On the other hand, the term “snuggle” only involves less manual movements. Its definition states that when you snuggle, you only perform a burrowing action. For example, when you and your partner are relaxing on your bed, you tend to burrow your head onto his or her chest. But since burrowing and holding are often done at the same time, cuddling and snuggling also go well with each other – which is why we can use the terms interchangeably.

Another interesting fact about “cuddle” and “snuggle” is that the word “cuddle” is the older term. “Cuddle” was already in use since 1510 or 1520 while “snuggle” was only in use between 1680 to 1690. The term “cuddle” was linked to the terms “crewdle” or “snoodle” while the term “snuggle” was derived from the word “snug.”

Despite these trivial differences, make sure to do a lot of cuddling and snuggling. With cuddling and snuggling, you can form closer bonds with the persons you love or even to your special pets. Cuddling and snuggling stimulate the pituitary gland to produce more love hormone, oxytocin.

  • Cuddle” and “snuggle” are two actions holding the same meaning. Both words describe an action which involves the activity of showing affection through pressing, drawing close, and lying close.
  • In modern usage, the term “cuddle” suggests the action of more handling. In this regard, you make use more of your hands when you cuddle.
  • On the other hand, the term “snuggle” only involves less manual movements. Its definition states that when you snuggle, you only perform a burrowing action.
  • Both actions stimulate the pituitary gland to produce more love hormone which is the oxytocin.
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