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ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 06-21-2009
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دانلود جدیدترین بازیهای موبایل
تاریخ عضویت: Feb 2009
نوشته ها: 196
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در ماه گذشته یکبار از ایشان سپاسگزاری شده
پیش فرض گیم موبایل Different Hosts Real Racing v1.00 for iPhone and iPod

گیم موبایل Different Hosts Real Racing v1.00 for iPhone and iPod

جدیدترین بازیهای برای موبایل شما

Real Racing v1.00

Firemint Real Racing(TM) immerses you in all the excitement, competition and glory of championship racing. This is handheld racing like you’ve never experienced before!

WINNER – IGF Mobile, Technical Achievement
WINNER – IMGA, Excellence in Connectivity

- 36 cars in three classes, a dozen unique tracks, five game modes
- Three divisions to play through
- Massive career mode with 57 events to complete
- Ten licensed music tracks from indy artists
- Six cars on screen
- Touch or tilt to steer
- Manual or automatic acceleration and braking
- In-car ****pit view or external camera
- Local multiplayer over WiFi
- Online league play
- Online leaderboards
- Video replays on YouTube
- Create personal leaderboards at Code:

Race the way you want to, with five different game modes. Challenge friends in local multiplayer and leave them in your dust! Work your way up from rookie to world champion in Career mode. Slice off another split second in Time Trial and upload your personal best. Join an online league and battle your way through the ranks of players from all over the world to advance to the next division. Only got a minute? Get behind the wheel for a Quick Race.


Tear through forests, seaside circuits and burning deserts, with the roar of the engine and the sounds of an adoring crowd in your ears as you scream past! Beautiful track environments, carefully detailed cars and console quality 3D sound effects create the most exhilerating racing experience on the iPhone(TM).


If you can drive a real car, you can race in Firemint Real Racing. Intuitive controls take care of things under the hood just like an expert pit crew, while you focus on your racing line. Accurate surface variations including asphalt, grass, gravel and ripple-strips affect vehicle speed, responsiveness and handling. It’s the way racing games are meant to feel.


Firemint Real Racing provides authentic pack racing action like no other iPhone(TM) game. Take to the circuit in a six car grid and jostle your way to the lead.


Our unique in-car ****pit view places you in the driver’s seat. Get feedback from the animated driver and the race data incorporated into dashboard instruments.


Looking for more than just factory settings? Adjust handling and sensitivity to suit, with a huge range of options. Control methods include tilt to steer or touch to steer, manual or automatic acceleration and brake assist options.


Set up a link to your YouTube channel to publish your best laps automatically. Compare your best times against friends and rivals online and set up your own custom leaderboards. Compete for glory in a range of regular online leagues, and win your way into more competitive online divisions.


Race along to licensed indy bands to keep you pumped up, or turn music off altogether and drive to the growl of your engine. Play your own tracks from your iPod® if you prefer.

57 events in the full career mode, five modes of play, local multiplayer, numerous online leagues and rankings against your friends or the world ensure endless hours of fun.

Buckle in and get set for the most exhilarating racing experience. With Firemint Real Racing, the race is in your hands!

Visit the Real Racing website at Code:
for more information.

New in this version Unavailable


Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch
Requires iPhone OS 2.2 or later



Links checked on 10/08/09 by link checker bot
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