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ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 01-18-2010
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دانلود جدیدترین بازیهای موبایل
تاریخ عضویت: Feb 2009
نوشته ها: 196
سپاسها: : 0
در ماه گذشته یکبار از ایشان سپاسگزاری شده
پیش فرض گیم موبایل Harry Potter Spells - Big Exclusive ! Iphone / Itouch

گیم موبایل HotFile.com Harry Potter Spells - Big Exclusive ! Iphone / Itouch

جدیدترین بازیهای برای موبایل شما

You are officially invited to appear at the School of witchcraft and magic Poudlard.

By making specific gestures(movements) of the hand for each of 14 spells, practice(be applied), work and continue to work before experiencing some ultimate competition: THE DUEL!

Confront in the computer or challenge a friend to a real-time duel:

[IMG]http://img125.*****************/thumb/524249054.jpeg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img136.*****************/thumb/1888616879.jpeg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img131.*****************/thumb/335117187.jpeg[/IMG]
[IMG]http://img135.*****************/thumb/382126932.jpeg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img124.*****************/thumb/470006698.jpeg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img131.*****************/thumb/1069340667.jpeg[/IMG]


14 powerful spells:
Amaze your opponents with STUPEFY or move them with EXPELLIARMUS and some more the other spells
Intense action of duel:
Mode unique Player : cast spells on three levels different from difficulty Mode "Multi-players": challenge a friend in duel and cast spells from a device to the other one in real-time fights
An authentic experience :
Of a visit to the shop of Mr Ollivander's magic wands in the selection by Choixpeau
The work leads to the perfection:
A system of educational softwares educates you, entails you and qualifies your performances in execution of spells, so freeing the other spells as you advance

Watch your place in the classification:
Keep for the eye your victories, your defeats and your place in the classification of the Cup of Houses to be the most competent wizard of Poudlard Partagez your results with your friends

You can even register you by means of the microphone so that your voice is activated during the launch of a spell. Too much frenzy the trick lol

And one THANK YOU always pleases! :)


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