بازگشت   پی سی سیتی > موبایل Mobiles > نرم افزارهای موبایل Mobile Applications

نرم افزارهای موبایل Mobile Applications معرفی پرسش و پاسخ و درخواست انواع نرم افزار های موبایل در این بخش گنجانده شده است

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 03-03-2010
نرم افزار موبایل آواتار ها
نرم افزار موبایل نرم افزار موبایل آنلاین نیست.
دانلود جدیدترین نرم افزارهای موبایل
تاریخ عضویت: Feb 2009
نوشته ها: 280
سپاسها: : 0
در ماه گذشته یکبار از ایشان سپاسگزاری شده
پیش فرض Australia and New Zealand autoroute NT 2010.30

HotFile.com Australia and New Zealand autoroute NT 2010.30
دانلود نرم افزارهای موبایل

Travel Australia and New Zealand
City Navigator Australia & New Zealand NT provides highly detailed maps for your device and thousands of points of interest (POIs) throughout the region, so you can navigate with exact, turn-by-turn directions to any address or intersection. Coverage for Australia includes cities and national roads throughout the entire continent. Coverage for New Zealand includes national roads throughout the country and detailed coverage for Auckland, Wellington, Hamilton, Christchurch and Dunedin. Route to POIs including restaurants, petrol stations, lodging, attractions and more
•Over 750,000 kilometers of road coverage, including rural roads.
•Includes motorways, national and regional thoroughfares and local roads.
•Displays more than 1.5 million points of interest including restaurants, lodging, attractions, petrol stations, shopping and more.
•Improved address range support.
•Now includes speed limit details for most major metropolitan areas in Australia.
•Includes additional speed camera locations.
•Includes detailed information such as turn restrictions, speed categories and other navigation features.
•Gives turn-by-turn directions on your compatible device.
•Additional Junction Views and 3D landmarks on your compatible unit.
•(CD-ROM only) Includes MapSource, Windows® software that lets you plan trips on your computer and transfer waypoints, routes and tracks between your computer and your device

image unlocked
rename to gmapsupp.img and copy to a garmin directory


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کاربران در حال دیدن موضوع: 1 نفر (0 عضو و 1 مهمان)

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شما نمیتوانید پست های خود را ویرایش کنید

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اکنون ساعت 04:43 AM برپایه ساعت جهانی (GMT - گرینویچ) +3.5 می باشد.

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