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لینوکس - linux در این تالار مسائل مربوط به سیستم عامل قدرتمند لینوکس و هسته های مختلف آن , اخبار دانلود نرم افزارها و.... پرداخته میشود

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 02-19-2011
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Linux APP دانلود نرم افزارهای لینوکس
تاریخ عضویت: Feb 2009
نوشته ها: 49
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پیش فرض Guitar Pro 6.0.7 r9063 Final Repack by NickOn (2011)

Guitar Pro 6.0.7 r9063 Final Repack by NickOn (2011)
نرم افزارهای لینوکس

Guitar Pro 6.0.7 r9063 Final Repack by NickOn MULTi (2011) | 2 GB

Guitar Pro 6 - the best editor tablature with realistic sound and the ability to create your own complete tracks. It is also a tutor and an advanced music books. Company Arobas Music actually sets the standard, comfortable, not only guitarists but all musicians. And, accordingly, has bypassed all the convenience of working with this format.

* Multitrack recording guitar, bass and banjo in the form of tablature, simultaneously with the creation of tablature, a corresponding record in the tablature notes;
* Powerful music notation MIDI-editor to use Guitar Pro is not just for guitarists;
* Builder tablature lots of percussion instruments;
* Add text of songs and linking it to the notes of the tracks with vocals;
* Built-builder and the determinant of guitar chords;
* Export set up the score in a variety of graphic and text formats, printing;
* Import of MIDI, MusicXML, and other, export to MIDI, WAV;
* Virtual guitar fretboard and piano keyboard, which displays the notes, play at the moment.
* Built-in metronome, guitar tuner, a tool to transpose the tracks;
* Lots of tools to play the score and the sound characteristic of guitar playing techniques;
* Starting with version 5, the program appeared Technology RSE (Realistic Sound Engine). In the 6-th version of this engine was really realistic.

Features Repack:
- Full version (including banks sounds)
- Russian version
- There is no problem opening and saving with Russian letters in path
- Inside the program still is not determined by Russian encoding.

Features of Release:
- Sound banks have a whole file
- Versions for Windows, Linux and MacOSX

Treatment procedure:
1. Install the program (corresponding to your OS installer).
2. Run.
3. In the input ID code and make any data.
4. Put a tick in the agreement.
5. Press the "Activate offline".
6. Run crack.
7. In the top box keygen copy the data from the upper field.
8. Press in the keygens "Generate".
9. Copy data from the lower field keygens in the field below the window of activation.
10. Press "Ok".
11. Program block access to internet and disable auto update.

Personally, I have installed on Windows 7 x86 and Linux Ubuntu 10.04
Crack really helps, but for Linux I have an emulator Wine launched Keygen for Windows (because of my lack of experience in working with Linux). Everything works

How to install sound banks:
Just drag and drop to open a program file, or "Open With Guitar Pro 6"

The history of the development versions of Guitar Pro 6.0.h
CHANGELOG - Record of Changes for GUITAR PRO 6
Please find below the list of the various changes and improvements that were part of each successive update.

Guitar Pro 6.0.7 - Latest Release (r9063 2010-12-09)

* [Fixed] Problem when printing a multi-giga file
* [Fixed] Quality of a score's png export
* [Fixed] Overall print quality
* [Fixed] Interpretation of double coda
* [Fixed] Interpretation of alternate ending after a segno jump
* [Fixed] Saving prevented by invalid characters in filenames
* [Fixed] Re-opening of certain gpx files
* [Fixed] Potential crash after opening certain gpx files
* [Fixed] Ties broken off by transposition
* [Fixed] Fermata interpretation improved
* [Fixed] Fermata taken into account when calculating a score's duration
* [Fixed] A track's effects chain was altered by the insertion of a rest at the end of a bar
* [Fixed] Section names: L 'was missing and not bordered, the cursor for editing section names was dysfunctional
* [Fixed] Placement of sections in the scores
* [Fixed] Crash when inserting notes into bars containing alternate endings
* [Fixed] Exporting tempo automations when MIDI-exporting a solo track
* [Fixed] Channel numbers not kept when importing a MIDI file
* [Fixed] Triplet feel not kept when exporting a MIDI file
* [Fixed] MIDI-exporting a file beginning with a grace note
* [Fixed] GuitarPro unstable after MIDI-importing a file
* [Fixed] Adjusting track-based pan in MIDI playback
* [Fixed] Excessive CPU load when using let-ring
* [Fixed] Memorizing the last soundcard used
* [Fixed] Support of Conexant audio cards
* [Fixed] Banjo's free short drone string out of tune
* [Fixed] Interpreting arpeggios on piano tracks
* [Fixed] Tuning playback can be stopped
* [Fixed] Tuning playback string by string
* [Fixed] Display of tuning's name didn't take into account the specificity of 5-string banjo
* [Fixed] A selection's wav-exports are no longer truncated
* [Fixed] Exported WAV files sometimes of the wrong length
* [Fixed] Homogenizing combobox for track-based MIDI setting
* [Fixed] Improved ergonomy for the scale dialog window
* [Fixed] Detecting and restoring file-associations on Windows
* [Fixed] The status of the Smooth Scroll option was not restored when launching Guitar Pro
* [Fixed] The edit-label cursor for automation names was dysfunctional
* [Fixed] Improved gui for the fingering dialog box
* [Fixed] Focus issue with fretboard or keyboard
* [Fixed] Improved crash report on Windows
* [Added] German user's guide available

System requirements:
Guitar Pro is natively Windows/Mac OSX/GNU Linux compatible.

On Windows: Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7.
On Mac: Mac OS X 10.4 and later (Intel processors only).
On Linux: Ubuntu (officially supported distribution).

3 GB of free space including installation of sound banks

1.8 GHz Intel or AMD processor

Year/Date of Release: 2011
Name of Program: Guitar Pro
Program Version: 6.0.7 r9063 Final
Latest version: 6.0.7 r9063 Final
Language: Multilingual
Treatment: Complete
Medicine: Crack

Download Links:


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