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آموزش طراحی (صفحات وب و انیمیشن) در اين تالار آموزش و مقالات مربوط طراحی صفحات وب CSS و ... و نیز انيميشن و طراحي موضوعات مختلف با نرم افزارهاي گوناگون قرار داده خواهد شد براي مثال آموزش فتوشاپ يا 3ds

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 05-30-2011
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کاربر خودکار بخش طراحی

تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2011
نوشته ها: 123
سپاسها: : 0

3 سپاس در 3 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض Inspiration Shift : Tilt Shift Photos and Effects

Inspiration Shift : Tilt Shift Photos and Effects

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With all of the various techniques and lenses that photographers use to create over the years in the development of their craft, we see many spring to the forefront of the industry to take hold. Of these that are popular with the public, several have been adopted by graphic artists who attempt to replicate the outcome with their own works. One that continues to grow in favor with the masses is tilt shift photography.

Across the web there are tutorials and tools that can assist any amatuer shutterbug or graphic artist with applying this technique to their photos after the fact. No longer is this popular style only available to those with the expertise and the proper, high end equipment. And the replication processes are getting even better with each new iteration. In fact, below we have a mix of both real tilt shift photos, and altered photos to make them appear to be tilt shift. See if you can tell the difference.


Tilt Shift of Commonwealth Stadium by Ainsley Baldwin

Tilt shift train by Josh Mock

tilt shift by mackenzie

Tilt-shift Vôlei by Paulo Guedes

Tilt Shift Test 3 by Brian Finifter

Tilt shift by evanrudemi

tilt-shift cemetery by George Foster

Tilt-Shift Baseball by Jonathan Assink

Tilt-Shift – First attempt by drew_anywhere

Tilt Shift Diamond Head by Kyle Nishioka

Fake Tilt-shift by James Turnbull

Tilt Shift Test 2 by Brian Finifter

Met Tilt Shift by hey tiffany!

Millook beach, Cornwall tilt-shift by Adrian Byrne

Backhoe Tilt Shift by Mrs. Gemstone

River Thames tilt-shift by Rob Hawkes

second tilt-shift test: Santa Fe Depot by Chris Radcliff

The tiny bus- Tilt Shift by David Rynde

tilt shift by mackenzie

Gherkin tilt-shift by Rob Hawkes

NY_Tilt_Shift by Daniele Pesaresi

Paradise Point Tilt Shift by Robert Simmons

Mercadillo (tilt shift) by Jose Maria Miñarro Vivancos

dubrovnik tilt-shift by nonanet

My First Tilt Shift by Scot Campbell

Frontierland at Dusk (Tilt Shift) by Justin Ennis

Sydney Opera House Tilt Shift by hey tiffany!

Fake tilt-shift lens effect by Janne Moren

Tilt-Shift Zebra Stripe by Jon Mountjoy

Tilt Shift by Jim Sher

Tilt shift sofas by Richard-G

tilt-shift Amsterdam by Angelogyn

Tilt shift lens test2 by Jargalsaikhan Dorjnamjil

Tilt-Shifted Monaco by bobito

Tilt Shift – 2nd attempt by drew_anywhere

Tilt&Shift Paris by weckscjo

Tilt-shift, Osaka by jim

Tilt Shift of Rexall Place by Ainsley Baldwin

Tokyo + tilt shift by Leo Lambertini

Manitou Incline by Angie Bowen

Tilt Shift Resources

If you enjoyed the showcase, and would like to try your hand at this technique post photo then take a look at some of the assembled goodies below to get your tilt shift angling towards something more visually stunning.
Tilt-Shift miniature faking is a creative technique whereby a photograph of a life-size location or object is manipulated to give an optical illusion of a photograph of a miniature scale model.
Altering the focus of the photography in Photoshop (or similar program) simulates the shallow depth of field normally encountered with macro lenses making the scene seem much smaller than it actually is.
In addition to focus manipulation, the tilt-shift photography effect is improved by increasing color saturation and contrast, to simulate the bright paint often found on scale models.


نکات طراحی صفحات وب
افکت های زیبا
تکنیک های طراحی صفحات اینترنتی
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پاسخ با نقل قول
جای تبلیغات شما اینجا خالیست با ما تماس بگیرید


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