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آموزش طراحی (صفحات وب و انیمیشن) در اين تالار آموزش و مقالات مربوط طراحی صفحات وب CSS و ... و نیز انيميشن و طراحي موضوعات مختلف با نرم افزارهاي گوناگون قرار داده خواهد شد براي مثال آموزش فتوشاپ يا 3ds

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 03-22-2012
Mr.CSS آواتار ها
Mr.CSS Mr.CSS آنلاین نیست.

کاربر خودکار بخش طراحی

تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2011
نوشته ها: 123
سپاسها: : 0

3 سپاس در 3 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض Beautifully Made Process Diagrams

Beautifully Made Process Diagrams

[IMG]************************************************************ **********************[/IMG]
[IMG]http://*******************************************/random.php?mode=image&collection=noupe-rss&position=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://*******************************************/random.php?mode=image&collection=noupe-rss&position=2[/IMG] [IMG]http://*******************************************/random.php?mode=image&collection=noupe-rss&position=3[/IMG]
Process Charting (also known as Process Mapping) is one of the oldest, simplest and most valuable techniques for streamlining work. It is used in nearly every level of production.

At the base of each product lays a properly designed production process that includes plenty of stages which help to channel efforts in the right direction and don`t get side-tracked from the main goal. So no matter what kind of service or product you provide, you more than likely will have some kind of process diagram you are working off of.

Breakdown of the Breakdown

Since every process consists of actual tasks that must be completed the diagram usually gets divided into the main steps. For example, basic steps for companies and freelancers that create websites are:
  • Concept/Idea;
  • Design;
  • Develop;
  • Test;
  • Launch.
Of course, there are a lot of intermediate stages such as researches, conclusion of a contract, creation of the main structure, discussions etc.

Nowadays, a great deal of websites dedicated to the business of the web have a special section with a graphical representation that visually depicts the sequence of steps in their process. Sometimes it’s only a simple chart or text which explains the stages of their work; other times it’s really a piece of art; where the user not only can get acquainted with the process, but can also be delighted and inspired by the beauty of the process diagrams.

Whatever form the process diagrams may take, they are definitely a must have. They’re required not only to improve productivity, but also to make your work more transparent and your company more trustful. It’s a kind of guarantee of control for the customer and, of course, an essential part of website design.

In this collection you will find some of the most inspiring and outstanding examples of process diagrams.

Sites That Get It Right

1. Deda – Web and Graphic Designer

2. Web Agency Pisa 

3. 3 Sided Coin

4. Mark Jenner – Front-End Designer

5. Mihael Miklosic – Web Designer

6. Alan Horne  – Web/UI Designer and Front-End Developer

7. Paper Street Interactive

8. Jean-Philippe Gams – French Designer and Developer

9. Ketch Studio

10. Camstech – Digital Agency Dubai

11. Webzeit 

12. Danny Giebe – Designer and Front-End Developer

13. Jordesign – Designer

14. World of eStore

15. Growcase

16. Submit Quickly

17. Nadine Roba – Designer

18. U Feed Me Back

19. Sebastianjt – Web Developer and UI Designer

20. Tarful

21. Tugrul Altun – Designer and Developer

22. Raffaele Leone  - Italian Web Designer

23. Eric Barse – Web Consultant

24. Sandra Wilcox  - Graphic Designer

25. KenGraphX 

26. John Jacob – Designer and Developer

27. Rodolphe Celestin – French Web Designer

28. Reverend Danger

29. Jan Ploch – Web and Graphic Designer

30. Janko at Warp Speed

31. Ryan Coughlin – Web Designer and Developer

32. Sendoushi

33. FortySeven  Media

34. Work by Simon

35. Rise Strategy

36. Pointless Corp

37. Tympanus


نکات طراحی صفحات وب
افکت های زیبا
تکنیک های طراحی صفحات اینترنتی
جدیدترین کد ها - منو های زیبای css
پاسخ با نقل قول
جای تبلیغات شما اینجا خالیست با ما تماس بگیرید


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