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قدیمی 05-09-2013
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تاریخ عضویت: May 2013
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پیش فرض مقایسه تفاوت های Differences Between XFP and SFP

مقایسه تفاوت های Differences Between XFP and SFP


Technical stuff really gives us a hard time understanding what they are. Though most of us are not tech savvy, we still try to understand the latest trends of our time. You think you want to get one yourself but didn’t know exactly why you needed one. This includes owning a computer. If you have noticed, the development and growth of computers has increased tremendously. Every day we hear a lot about computer updates. This may be through the television or even through the Internet. The generation of today seems like tech robots. We don’t know whether the minds of people today are now made of wires and plugs since they are able to catch up with the ongoing changes of the tech world.

Even in the line of telecommunications it has developed progressively. There are a lot of transceivers being produced to increase your signal. A transceiver is a package with a transmitter and a receiver. It all comes in one. Transceivers are essential for wireless communication devices. Our cellphones, cordless telephones, and handy, two-way radios have transceivers installed.

To be able to transmit data, we need transceivers. The most common way of transmitting data is to use light-based fiber optics. The use of electronic signals is the traditional and slower way of transmitting data. The best modules to use today are the XFP and SFP modules. These modules are your greatest solutions in having a greater quality signal delivered to your home. Aside from that, they are also cost-effective.


What is an XFP module? “XFP” stands for “10 Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggable.” With XFP you will surely experience a fast transmission of data in your computer network including your telecommunication links. XFP emerged in the year 2002 along with XFI, one of its electrical components. It was devised by the XFP Multi-source Agreement Group.

According to Wikipedia, XFP is a hot-swappable and protocol independent module. It means that you can replace the component without shutting down the whole system. XFP can be replaced without interrupting the operation of your system. Its usual operation is at optical wavelengths of 850 nm, 1310 nm, or 1550 nm. To be able to install this module in your computer, you should have one of these: 10 Gigabit Ethernet, 10 Gbit/s Fibre Channel, Synchronous Optical Networking at OC-192 rates, Synchronous Optical Networking STM-64, 10 Gbit/s Optical Transport Network OTU-2, and parallel optics links. XFP modules are able to function with just a single wavelength or dense wavelength division multiplexing techniques.


“SFP” stands for “Small Form-factor Pluggable.” It is also a type of transceiver which can make your signal and telecommunications better than the others. Otherwise known as a Mini GBIC, its function is somewhat similar to the GBIC transceiver though it is smaller in form.

SFP transceivers are mainly used in telecommunications and data transmission. These modules can link equipment like routers and switches. It supports other communication equipment like Gigabit Ethernet and Fibre Channel, SONET, SFP Plus, and 10 Gbps data rates. For every type of SFP transceiver, it works with different wavelengths at a designated location or distance. According to Evergreencomm, SX SFP uses 850nm for a maximum of 550 meters, LX SFP use 1310nm for a maximum 10km, ZX SFP could reach 80km. Copper SFP uses a RJ45 interface. The DOM function for an SFP is discretionary. It supports the users to locate the real-time working status of SFP.

  1. Transceivers are essential for wireless communication devices. The most suggested way of transmitting data is to use light-based fiber optics.
  2. “XFP” stands for “10 Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggable” while “SFP” stands for “Small Form-factor Pluggable.”
  3. Both modules can provide you greater signal strength in your computer network, and telecommunication links.
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