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مقالات آموزش ترفندها... Traning در این قسمت مقالات آموزشی ترفندها نکته ها و .... قرار دارند

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 01-15-2009
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دانلود نرم افزارهای جدید -کاربر خودکار
تاریخ عضویت: Jan 2009
نوشته ها: 145
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در ماه گذشته 2 بار در 1 پست سپاسگزاری شده
پیش فرض ویندوز7_آموزش_سیستم ریستو Exploring Windows 7 System Restore

دانلود نرم افزار Exploring Windows 7 System Restore & Restore Previous Versions و یا مشاهده مقاله

System Restore feature is available from Windows XP and it has been extended to Microsoft latest operating system Windows 7. System Restore utility in Windows XP and Vista is almost same with out much different indeed the utility is perfect saver for us in case of any thing goes wrong with the system.
This time Microsoft has worked really hard to come up with improved System Restore in windows 7, once you explore power of System Restore feature in Windows 7, i am damn sure you will start loving Windows 7 right now.
What is System Restore?

System Restore is like Undo command for Windows, hundreds of software you download and install on your computer, you make registry changes or delete files, you may change some settings knowingly or unknowingly. Chances are high that you system may become unstable or starts crashing, in such cases only way to undo all this changes and restore you system to earlier time is System Restore Utility.
Basically System Restore periodically takes snapshot of your system known as Restore points. These Restores points are created when you make any significant changes or install any driver. You can also manually create these Restore points. Once these Restore points are created you can restore your whole system back in time using Restore points.
Disadvantages of System Restore in Windows XP and Vista

1. Every time you need to restore your full system which is time consuming
2. You can’t look inside your System Restore files
3. You can’t restore just one single file or folder.
4. You can’t restore specific part of your Windows like just System files, or User data etc.
Well above disadvantages are not for Windows 7 System restore utility.
Now let’s start with Exploring Windows 7 System Restore.

Windows 7 System Restore : - Windows 7 System Restore utility is merged with windows Backup utility. You can now use System Restore with Advance recovery to restore system using previously created System Image or straight way restore your Computer to Original settings.

Advance System Recovery with System Restore
Scan for Affected Programs : This feature of System Restore will let you to scan your system to find all Programs and files that were added from selected Restore point and programs and files that were delete from selected Restore point.

Windows 7 System Restore
Now no need to stay in uncertainty about which programs will get deleted after you perfome System Restore, find out yourself by running Scan for Affected Programs and get list of all programs and files that will be deleted or added after System Restore.

Windows 7 System Restore - Scan For affected programs
Restore previous versions : - A very handy feature of Windows 7 System Restore available with just one click away. Right click on any file or Folder and you will see “Restore previous versions” in context menu.

Restore Previous versions Right Click Context menu
Restore previous versions will list all Previous versions of selected file or folder from various restore points. You can simply copy, restore or open to see files from Previous Restore point. This makes Windows 7 System Restore free from need of full system restore. if you have accidentally deleted any specific file or folder you can use “Restore previous versions” feature to copy or restore to its original state.

Accessing Files & Folders of Previous Restore Point.
Please Note: Restore Privious versions is also available in Windows Vista Business, Ultimate and Enterprise edition along with Shadow Copy Feature.

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